Monday, 7 January 2013

"Don't tell the trees...

...because the trees don't need to know."

The learning and playing with Manga Studio continues a pace. I'm still warming up before I'm ready to tackle any of my commercial work in MS4, but it's already busted masses of the limitations I've experienced working digitally in the past. 

This portrait of Windsor Davies (taken from the BBC 1970s sitcom "It Ain't Half Hot Mum") is a bit of a landmark for me as it's the first time I've actually drawn from scratch and completed a piece entirely digitally; no paper, pencils, brushes, mess or anything. 

As someone who lived under canvas without electricity for twelve years until the year 2000, who once couldn't see the point of 'computers' and swore I'd no interest in ever working digitally, I've been cunningly seduced and feel a bit like I'm living on another planet these days.

I'll be sticking to paper and pencil for the bulk of my pencilling and roughing etc, but it's definitely a bit fun and exciting discovering all this new facility...

(Click the image for a larger view...)

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