Wednesday 30 May 2012

And they're off again...

Colouring work has started on issue #3 of Dana Larsen's Hairy Pothead saga this week, and I've been lucky enough to have the assistance and colouring skills of Owen Watts on a chunk of this latest instalment. Owen is a talented comics creator (writer/artist/colourist/letterer/editor etc etc!!!) in his own right, known not least as the instigator and editor of the cult hit small press anthology Dr WTF?! and the soon to be released The Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel.

Of course being so talented in his downtime activities Owen has no time for anything but an incredibly mundane day job...he is employed by the Galactic Oversight Dept as a full time archeologist employed tracking and bagging evidence of breaches in the time stream during the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages in the UK mainland. This may or may not be connected to the fact that he likes cider.....

(Click the first image for lager slideshow view)

My blue process pencils...

...which I incise and inlay with finely ground Chinese inks...

...for Owen to lay down the first layer of colours with a
platinum tipped 0.5mm digital hornswagger...

...before I pounce with my bag of lights, shades and fades.

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